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Adaptive Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for An Overactuated Hexacopter


Dev Milestones

  1. Upgrade to ROS2: 100%
  2. PID and Newton-Euler Dynamics in SITL: 100%
  3. Real hardware drivers and maiden flight: 100%
  4. Controller architecture and design: 100%
  5. Formulate MPC solver using acados: 100%
  6. Test MPC solver in Python: 100%
  7. L1-MPC python simulation: 100%
  8. ROS L1-MPC node: 100%
  9. Track trajectories and collect data: 100%
  10. Thesis writing: 100%

Far from perfect, but done for now (May29, 2022)

Environment Setup

  1. Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with ROS2 foxy and ROS1 noetic (since vrpn-client-ros is only available for ROS1).
  2. Install ROS2 via debian and additional tools.
  3. Install Fast-RTPS-Gen using source code.
git clone --recursive -b v1.0.4 ~/Fast-RTPS-Gen \
    && cd ~/Fast-RTPS-Gen \
    && gradle assemble \
    && sudo env "PATH=$PATH" gradle install
  1. Install dependencies for PX4: PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup/
  2. Install officially provided ROS2 plug-ins for Gazebo: sudo apt install ros-foxy-gazebo-ros-pkgs.
  3. Install QgroundControl ground station.
  4. Install packages for optitrack: sudo apt install ros-foxy-ros1-bridge ros-noetic-vrpn ros-noetic-vrpn-client-ros
    • vrpn-client-ros publishes the built in message type geometry-msgs, it is OK to use debian release of ros1-bridge.
    • Building ros1-bridge form source enables extra support for custom message and service types but has conflicts with ros-foxy-controller-manager-msgs.
  5. Install mavros for data visualization: sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros* ros-noetic-mavlink.
  6. Dynamixel-sdk ros-foxy-dynamixel-*
  7. Run to set up the mpc code generation tool.



  1. Models and solvers are formulated in ros2-workspace/src/adaptive_mpc/tools/
  2. Run to generate solver code and do numerical simulation.
  3. ROS2 Solver node is ros2-workspace/src/adaptive_mpc/src/l1_mpc_main.cpp. It has to be recompiled after regenerating the solver code (where control params are defined and stored).

Simulation with Gazebo

  1. Build ROS2 workspace.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
cd scripts
  1. Build and run PX4 SITL simulation. It is required to source ROS2 setup file.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ./ros2-workspace/install/setup.bash
cd PX4-Autopilot
PX4_NO_FOLLOW_MODE=1 make px4_sitl_ctrlalloc gazebo_omni_hex
  1. Run micrortps_agent over UDP.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ./ros2-workspace/install/setup.bash
micrortps_agent -t UDP
  1. Use QGC to give commands to the simulation environment. Several useful buttons and modes are listed below.
    • Takeoff and land
    • Virtual joysticks
    • Position mode, altitude mode, ACRO mode
  2. Or use the offboard control node to generate a trajectory for omniHex to track.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
source ./ros2-workspace/install/setup.bash
ros2 run px4_ros_com offboard_control

Above mentioned steps are implemented in, run this script, take off to {0, 0, 2.5} and run to track the 8-shape trajectory.

  1. If MPC needed, then take off, use ros2 run trajectory_generator min_ref_publisher 0 0 -2.5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to generate a plain state reference, and publish /RunMpc topic to actually run the MPC. This topic is designed to be published once for a time when you need to change the flag status.

    TODO: use service instead

Real World Flight

  • Port connections on NUC:

    • dynamixel servos on /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 115200
    • urtps_bridge on /dev/ttyUSB1 @ 3000000 -> MCU TELEM1
    • QGC/mavlink on /dev/ttyACM0 @ any baud (ACM1 occurs after a reboot) -> MCU microUSB
  • About RC:

    • switch A is the kill switch
    • switch F sets different flight modes (up: altitude, mid: position, down: acro).
  1. Setup the motion capture system.
    1. Open motive software and open the most recent project (Z-up configuration).
    2. Go to capture layout (upper-right corner) and delete default rigid bodies.
    3. Aligned markers with the world frame and create a new rigid body from the selected ones, rename this new instance to uav (as it is fixed in ros1-workspace/src/vrpn_client/launch/default.launch). Data is automatically published to local network.
  2. Build PX4 firmware.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
cd PX4-Autopilot
make cubepilot_cubeorange_ctrlalloc
  1. Upload firmware to MCU.
    1. Open QGC and navigate to “Vehicle Setup-Firmware”.
    2. Plug in MCU through USB (ttyACM) port and QGC will auto detect the MCU. This step requires the MCU only powered by USB.
    3. Select custom firmware and upload PX4-Autopilot/build/cubepilot_cubeorange_ctrlalloc/cubepilot_cubeorange_ctrlalloc.px4.
    4. Restart QGC so that airframe files could be loaded by QGC, then you can do further settings and calibration.
  2. Build ROS1 workspace.
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
cd ros1-workspace
catkin build
  1. Build ROS2 workspace.
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
cd scripts
  1. Start packages on NUC: This script starts the following necessary drivers.
    • ROS1 vrpn_client
    • ROS2 ros1_bridge
    • ROS2 micrortps_bridge, dyanmixel_driver, optitrack
  2. Now you can use packages like rqt or rviz for data monitor and visualization. Make sure to source the corresponding ROS version and workspace.

Software Version

  1. The original version of PX4 is stable release v1.12.3. Modified submodules derive from the commit that is referenced by PX4.
  2. The original version of px4_msg is commit 0f550f436547fccc6b86d448e095ad914f5de94a on master branch.
  3. px4_ros_com: commit c618d757bd64113ccbee17ad0ae17ab8122337e8 on master branch.

Coordinate Frame

  1. SDF and Solidworks models
    • front-x, left-y, up-z (body)
  2. PX4
    • NED (world)
    • front-x, right-y, down-z (body)
  3. Gazebo
    • N-Green-y, E-Red-x, U-Blue-z (world)
  4. Arm rotation: see Control Allocation of a Tilting Rotor Hexacopter
  5. In SITL, PX4 NED x is aligned with Gazebo y
  6. In lab setting, PX4 FRD is algined with optitrack x

SW Model to SDF

  1. There are several useful links
  2. Do NOT use SW2018SP0
  3. Minimize the number of links. It is good to treat parts that do not move relatively as a whole. Only separate parts into links if there must be a joint in between. Usually, a link corresponds to an assembly.
  4. In the assembly that represents a link, make sure to attach a coordinate frame in the SDF convention to the model. This frame will be used as the reference frame when exporting .stl and calculating mass properties.
  5. When exporting to .stl files, hide fine parts otherwise your file would be too big. Choose the aforementioned reference frame, use meter as the scale, and select “do not transform to positive space”.
  6. Write the SDF
    • SDF uses kilogram and meter as the default unit.
    • Don’t use mesh as collision. Use the geometry shapes instead.
    • Specify a min_depth property to the collision that is in contact with the ground.
    • Use numbers in “Moments of inertia, taken at the center of mass and aligned with the output coordinate system”. Numbers that are not on the diagonal line of the matrix should be inverted.
  7. sitl_gazebo plug-ins: “IMU” should be loaded after “mavlink interface”.

ROS1 Packages


  • An overlay package for customizing the launch file. Note that this package should not be named mavros, otherwise ROS may not find the right package path.


  • An overlay package for customizing the launch file.

ROS2 Packages


  1. This package is a supplement to officially provided ROS2 plug-ins and those provided in PX4-Autopilot/Tool/sitl_gazebo. The official repository provides example code for writing a plug-in.
  2. gazebo_ros_arm_rotation.cpp is for controlling the position of six arm joints of omniHex via the PID API. Similarly, gazebo_ros_joint_pid_ctrl.cpp controls the position of a single joint via PID.
  3. gazebo_ros_joint_motor.cpp is for controlling joint position or velocity via SetParam and SetPosition API.
  4. gazebo_ros_motor_model.cpp is a simplified ROS2 adaptation of the original version in PX4-Autopilot/Tool/sitl_gazebo.


  1. This package contains message types needed by px4_ros_com and other packages that might use the PX4 types, as well as rqt utility.
  2. The msg folder is updated by the script in PX4-Autopilot/msg/tools/ It should be synced whenever a message definition in PX4-Autopilot/msg is changed.


  1. The main purpose of this package is to generate the communication bridge micrortps_agent from a template file src/templates/uorb_rtps_message_ids.yaml. The template file should be synced with PX4 via script PX4-Autopilot/msg/tools/uorb_to_ros_rtps_ids.yaml.

  2. There is also an example of off-board control available in src/examples/offboard. This example code is modified to generate a full position-pose trajectory as the function of timestamps.

    1. circle
    2. 8-shape

    TODO: use input args or launch file to specify trajectory shape

  3. It also provides useful scripts for cleaning and building the workspace.

    • Previously, build_ros2_workspace.bash is set to skip custom_gazebo_plugins because the latter depend on px4_msgs.
    • It is better to add <depend>px4_msg</depend> in package.xml. In this way we don’t need to specify a order. Make sure to add find_package(px4_msgs REQUIRED) and ament_target_dependencies(foo ...px4_msgs...) in CMakeLists.txt.


  1. visual_odom_publisher receives pose data from MOCAP, performs frame transformation and publishes data to topic VehicleVisualOdometry_PubSubTopic. In this target, the message is published in a timer callback at 50Hz.
  2. Timestamps are taken from VehicleImu_PubSubTopic.
  3. callback_relay is a simple relay. It is similar to visual_odom_publisher but instead of publishing data in a timer callback, it publishes data in the callback for receiving pose data.


  1. read_write_node is the example node provided by dynamixel_sdk.
  2. arm_position_control is the one used for controlling the arm positions. It communicates with dynamixel servos via UART in the callback function for receiving ArmRotation_PubSubTopic.


  1. A package for generating trajectories in MPC framework and visualizing TrajectorySetpoint_PubSubTopic.
  2. Visualization is implemented in rviz_translator.cpp


  1. Input topic: /StateReferenceOcp, horizon 1s, 20 + 1 nodes

  2. Outputs wrench setpoint

  3. Switches and flags:

    • /RunMpc: should be published once every time you wish to change the status of run_mpc_. It is switched to false if a solver reset has occurred.

PX4 Tools and Miscellaneous

  1. Set the correct URL in .gitmodules.
  2. Custom models for Gazebo simulation is put in PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo/models with a corresponding .world file in PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds.
    • The initial condition of the simulation could be set in PX4-Autopilot/Tools/
    • Some plug-ins are built externally (in the ROS2 workspace). So PX4-Autopilot/Tools/setup_gazebo.bash is modified to export the correct library paths.
  3. As we are using the micrortps_bridge, we need to build this module in PX4. We can specify this feature by uncommenting the micrortps_bridge line in PX4-Autopilot/boards/px4/sitl/ctrlalloc.cmake, which is the module configuration file for SITL targets. We can choose what modules to be built and what not to be built. The same rule applies to .cmake files for other boards.
  4. Add our custom model for gazebo simulation in PX4-Autopilot/platforms/posix/cmake/sitl_target.cmake.
  5. Add our airframe file (a model-dependent script for loading parameters and modules) for simulation in PX4-Autopilot/ROMFS/init.d-posix/airframes and make sure to add this file to the CMakeLists.txt.
  6. The airframe for real hardware is init.d/airframes/6004_omni_hex.
  7. A new mixer is in use: omnihex.main.mix.
  8. mc_rate_control isn’t started in rc.mc_apps if MIXER = omnihex

PX4 Messages

  1. Add a message to hold arm positions and limit status: arm_rotation.msg. After adding a new message file, don’t forget to indicate it in CmakeList.txt, otherwise it won’t be compiled.
  2. Every message should be assigned an ID in msg/tools/urob_rtps_message_ids.yaml or targets with micrortps_bridge enabled cannot be compiled. Also, we can specify how micrortps_bridge treat each message.
  3. vehicle_attitude_setpoint.msg and vehicle_local_position_setpoint.msg are modified to handle roll and pitch movements.

PX4 Modules

  • Generally, a good way to read the code is to look at the header files first. Look at topic subscriptions and publications. Then look at the run() function in .cpp files.
  • Modified modules are angular_velocity_controller, commander, control_allocator, flight_mode_manager, mc_att_control and mc_pos_control.


  1. Center of mass compensation $x_{com} \cross F_{sp}$ in AngularVelocityControl.cpp/hpp, void AngularVelocityControl::update().

  2. Read center of mass parameters and call AngularVelocityControl::update() with additional arguments inAngularVelocityController.cpp/hpp.

  3. Newton-Euler equation cross term $\omega_b \cross v_b$ in void AngularVelocityController::Run().

  4. Center of mass parameters are defined in vehicle_model_params.c.


  1. In void Commander::update_control_mode(), ACRO mode is added with the same set of configuration as POSCTL mode.


  1. The allocation matrix (actuator effectiveness) is implemented as a subclass of ControlAllocationPseudoInverse and ModuleParams. See ActuatorEffectivenessOmniHex.cpp/hpp/params.c for more detail. In PX4 convention, torque comes above force in a wrench.
  2. Add omniHex to enum classes, switch cases, and includes in ControlAllocator.cpp/hpp.
  3. Publish control signals to actuator_controls_0 instead of actuator_controls_4, with actuator_controls_0[3] reserved for total thrust signal.
  4. Always check CMakeLists.txt


  1. This module takes care of controller setpoints in different flight modes.

  2. Switch to FlightTaskIndex::ManualAcceleration when in vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ACRO. This feature is implemented in FlightModeManager.cpp.

    TODO: exclusive flight task for ACRO mode (not only pitch but full pose)

  3. FlightTask.cpp/hpp: add missing variables and functions that are not implemented for roll and pitch commands.

  4. FlightTaskManualAltitude.hpp: add scaling factors from stick to roll and pitch rate.

  5. FlightTaskManualAcceleration.cpp/hpp: generate different setpoints in different navigation states.

  6. Set roll pitch angle and angular speed setpoint in FlightTaskFoo::activate() function of tasks such as Auto, Failsafe and ManualAltitudeSmoothVel. This is necessary because otherwise the vehicle loses roll and pitch control when auto buttons in QGC is pressed.


  1. AttitudeControl.cpp: matrix::Vector3f AttitudeControl::update() is modified to consider turning rate feed-forward.
  2. AttitudeControl.hpp: add roll and pitch in void setAttitudeSetpoint(), also variables.
  3. mc_att_control_main.cpp and mc_att_control.hpp: call modified function with the right arguments.


  1. PositionControl.cpp/hpp: add variables to take care of roll and pitch rotation. In void PositionControl::getAttitudeSetpoint() attitude setpoints are passed down and thrust setpoint is converted into body frame.
  2. mc_pos_control_params.c: define parameters for manual roll and pitch rate control, which are used in FlightTaskManualAltitude.hpp.
  3. MulticopterPositionControl.cpp/hpp: call modified functions and pass correct arguments.


  1. In PublishAttitude, an extra step of converting and publishing RPY is added.

mixer & px4io

  1. AllocatedActuatorMixer.cpp now listens to actuator_controls_0 instead of actuator_controls_4.

  2. ESC calibration parts in px4io.cpp and mixer_module.cpp are modified for control[0] to control[6], except control[3].

    TODO: test calibration function, make sure props are removed

Motor-Propeller Model


  1. In gazebo_motor_model and omni_hex.sdf
    • motorConstant = thrustCoef = 8.5e-06
    • torqueCoef = thrustCoef * momentConstant = 8.5e-06 * 0.06
  2. In px4
    • The thrust coefficient if defined as Thrust = CT * u^2, where u (with value between CA_ACT0_MIN and CA_ACT0_MAX) is the output signal sent to the motor controller. CT = 19.125
    • The moment coefficient is defined as Torque = KM * Thrust (is consistent with momentConstant). KM = 0.06
  3. From u (PX4) to $\omega$(real rotor angular velocity)
    • PWM = 1000 * (1 + u) (observation from print-debugging), where u = actuator_setpoint[0, 1]
    • omega = (u + offset) * scaling + idle @(line ~1121 mavlink interface plugin), in sdf offset = 0; scaling = 1500; idle = 100
  4. Conversion between CT(PX4) and motor constant (thrust coef, paper, plugin), we assume that the idle value is negligable
    • CT = scaling^2 * motorConstant

Real World Data

TODO: mapping between PWM and angular velocity, determine thrust and torque coefficient

  1. x = actuator_setpoint[0, 1] to y = actuator_controls_0[-1, 1]: $y=2x-1$
  2. x = actuator_controls_0[-1, 1] to y = PWM[min, max]: $y=\frac{x(y_{max}-y_{min})}{2}+\frac{y_{max}+y_{min}}{2}$
  3. x = PWM[min, max] & y = relative_thrust[0, 1]: $ay^2+(1-a)y-x=0$, where $a\in[0.25,0.35]$

Matlab Files

  1. In matlab-workspace.
  2. trajectory.m: visualization of 8-shape trajectory.
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